Hey all,
Doesn't it feel great to get the blog back live? Hope you all have noticed the latest posts. Blogger had stripped me off posting privileges for over 2 months. But, we're back now, and how! Already, we have got our new sponsor, Ready Made Joomla . Some of you have visited their site, and Im sure, ALL joomla users would have found the package really interesting, but a shade too expensive.
We have had a discussion with them, and they have offered a special 30% discount for all FWS visitors who actually want to buy the Ready Made Joomla package.
Its a not-to-be-missed deal folks and shall be valid only for a few days.

This Offer shall be worked out like this :
1) Visit Ready Made Joomla
2) Fall in love with the package(everybody does), and make up your mind to buy it (You'll love it.. My Guarantee)
3.a) Either write a comment on this post, stating your 'email address' where you want the discount link
3.b) Mail me at - "freewebscripts at yahoo dot com", and request for the discount link and I shall send it to you.

Folks.. how generous could we get? We already give you soooo much free stuff. And now, we're giving you a 30% discount on the Biggest Joomla Package on the Net
Again, Don't miss this opportunity as this is valid only for a few days.

Stop whining and Buy Now(for a change...),

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